
The First Savings Credit Card is a MasterCard application that may be submitted by anybody who is interested in improving their credit score.


This card is offered by First Savings Bank. With the assistance of the dedicated credit card offered by First Savings Bank, you will be able to restore your credit score and submit applications for loans, mortgages, and other credit products. The First Savings Credit Card is available to those who are interested in reducing their spending.

Credit card applications for the First Savings credit card may only be accepted via email invites that are delivered by the bank.

Following a review of the applicant’s credit history, they provide invitations to individuals who could be interested in this kind of card. It is not possible to immediately apply for the card or get an invitation to take part in the event.

Upon accepting the offer, you will have the opportunity to activate your First Savings Credit Card on the website. To do so, just go to the website, enter your reservation number and access code, and then click the “Continue” button to proceed.

First Savings Credit Card Application Procedure

Steps To Activate Your FirstSavingsCC

In order to make use of your First Savings Credit Card, you may activate it online by carefully following the procedures that are outlined below:

Check out the official website of the First Savings Credit Card, which can be found at on the internet. After going to the website of the First Savings Credit Card, which is, you will need to click the “Account Login” option in order to start the activation process for the card.

It is necessary to go to the login page and search for the option that says “Register a new user” in order to establish an account.

Your credit card information and the date it will expire should be provided to us.

You are required to enter both your three-digit security code as well as the three-digit CVV code that may be located on the back side of the card.

Regarding your login credentials, please supply them.

  • It will be sent to the address that you supplied for confirmation.
  • If you could, kindly supply your mobile phone number. Search for the option that reads “I prefer not to add my mobile number” and make sure it is checked. This will prevent you from receiving updates about your phone number.
  • When you have finished reading the terms and conditions, you should then check the box that says “I have read and accept the terms” before activating your account.
  • “Register/Activate” is the option you should choose. In most cases, the activation procedure for your First Savings Credit Card will take between one and two days to complete.